Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Photos


  1. Your Mom came over a showed me your incredible facebook photos yesterday, Ames and to see those enormous rock outcroppings, the mountains and deep crevasses, I'll bet you are in wonder every time you lookaround.
    What a beautiful country----and the people live such a simple life, but seem to have the basics. The kids are well clothed and healthy.
    They sure love you Ames.
    The pile-up of kids all over you, and then again , today the one withWilbert and his buddy--made me want to reach in a give you a hug too.
    Beautiful country-side-----and I'll bet you have learned a lot about the Inca people too.
    Clever, resourceful and cheerful I read somewhere.
    Its not long now before you head back----the time has realyflown by, and moreso for you.
    Your photography is really good Ames, and gives a sense of the personality of your project and your surroundings and certainly of the minis!!!
    Great, great experience---lotsa love.

  2. Ame We LOVE your pics, especially the one of you and the two minis. Dad printed it off and it is on the fridge, You look so happy and it sure looks like they love you, too. We're looking forwrd to your blog on Lake Titicaca - hope you're having fun there. I know it was a long bus ride. See you in 2 weeks! I can''t believe it!

    Love, Mama

  3. Have to comment again after seeing facebook pics today when your Mom came over.
    Could NOT stop laughing------- THE FOOOOOOOOT-----TEEEEEEETH. Wow what a jar to our "privileged" sensibilities.
    Good on Ya for giving a try------you were probably eating cuy long before this anyway, but just didn't know.."Tastes like chicken" ????
    Interesting to see how the islands are built.
    Their native dress is wonderful.
    What a place. This must have been a terrific day, and a lot toabsorb.
    Still chuckeling!!!Oh My
