Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some Photos

 This is a shot of the Market San Pedro.. the big one near the Plaza de Armas. It has absolutely everything imaginable!!
 The three musketeers... these little guys are so adorable and just run around causing trouble.
 Little minis playing with practice cones while the older kids had a scrimmage.
 The community where I volunteer! The is the view looking north from the soccer field.

  First day of painting with the kids! I am helping Mijael paint he is like 3 so his motor control is still a work in progress... Luis on the left is just hilarious.


  1. Ames! Thanks for the pics. They are great! Does the community where you volunteer have a name or is it part of Cuzco? How did the protest situation play out? Are you back volunteering tomorrow?

  2. Great pics--Your Mom showed me some on facebook as well.
    I don't know why I thought people there would be a lot less comfortable thanwhat I see.
    Food,clothing, housing seem to be easily accessed.
    Wondered aabout the "dangerous" situation that was about to happen. Did it?
    Even though it will be only two months, this experience could be life changeing for you.
    Have a good weekend Ames--send more pics
    Love always-Min
